Message from President’s office
Dear staff and students,
If you are returning to Hong Kong from anywhere in Mainland China (not only Hubei Province), the University requests that you fill out an e-health screening form that will be sent to you in a separate email, and that you self-quarantine yourself by staying at, and working from, home for 14 days after your return to Hong Kong and before you come back to the campus. The main purpose of this is to ensure the safety of members of our university community and that of Hong Kong as a whole.
The University is making arrangement and exploring various possible options to assist those students requiring self-quarantine but have difficulties with their current accommodation arrangements in halls of residence.
Regarding teaching and learning arrangement, the add/drop period for courses of undergraduate programmes will be extended to February 21. Other aspects of teaching and learning measures, such as online teaching arrangements, would be announced in due course.
We would like to take the opportunity to remind you to wear a surgical face mask when you go out and adopt good personal hygiene practices including washing your hands frequently and properly.
Task Force on Infectious Diseases